The word “technology” means the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes and that is exactly what this engaging 6-part e-course is all about.

  • If you are an early childhood educator
    or parent who . . .

  • Frequently feels like the children “just won’t listen” . . . then this course is for you.

  • Would like to stop scolding, commanding, cajoling, and threatening . . . then this course is for you.

  • Regularly resorts to punishments and rewards . . . then this course is for you.

  • Wants children to be self-motivated and think for themselves . . . then this course is for you.

  • Is ready to be the kind of loving, respectful, and authoritative (as opposed to authoritarian) adult that children most need . . . then this course is definitely for you.

Scroll Down For A Deeper Look At What Will Be Covered In This Course

An engaging 6-part e-Course for both early childhood educators and parents of young children based on Teacher Tom's popular methodology. Discover how to fundamentally shift how you speak with young children so they can think for themselves.

Episode 1:

We've all known people who seemed to be able to work "magic" with young children, motivating, inspiring, and building relationships with them without raising their voices, bossing them around, scolding, or threatening. In reality, there is nothing magical about it. In this session, Teacher Tom shows how to apply scientific knowledge for practical purposes, which is the actual definition of technology.

Episode 2:
How the Language We Use Creates Reality

In a very real sense, the language we use creates reality. The world around us is the result of the stories we tell, the ideas we express, and, indeed, everything we utter right down to individual sentences. And according to neuroscientists and philosophers, this isn't a metaphor, but actual reality. Teacher Tom illustrates how most of us use language without being aware of the reality we are shaping, often creating a world that is opposite of the one for which we hope.

Episode 3:
The Language of Punishment, Disbelief, and Command

Pertaining to our roles as early childhood educators and as parents, Teacher Tom believes we should support children to achieve their highest potential versus aiming to control them. In this session, he explores three areas in which our language habits frequently sabotage our intentions, inadvertently creating a world we would rather not share, one in which children experience the adult as dominant, punitive, and commanding.

Episode 4:
The Language of Informative Statements

Where Our Power Lies

Our power lies in our use of informative statements, statements of fact that create a "space" in which young children can actually think for themselves. In this session, Teacher Tom examines strategies for stepping back from the language of control and command and replacing it with the "magic" (or technology) of informative statements.

Episode 5:
Best Language for Rules and Tidy Up Time

We are most prone to using the language of command when it comes to enforcing rules and rallying children for tidy up time: "No hitting!" "No taking things from people!" "Put that away!" "Stop playing!" Teacher Tom shares how to apply the technology of speaking with children to create an environment in which children are more likely to abide by the rules and participate in community activities of their own accord. And why this is always preferable to being compelled to do so by a bossy adult.

Episode 6:
Examples, Stories, and Wrap-Up

The habit of speaking with controls and commands, even for most experienced educators, is a difficult one to break. In this session, Teacher Tom offers specific examples and illustrative stories that help us deepen our understanding of how the technology of speaking with children works, both in the classroom and at home.

Live "Cohort Graduation" Webinar with Teacher Tom

If you complete this course 100% by October 20th*, you will be invited to a live graduation webinar with Teacher Tom on October 24th! (Our system will track your exact progress in order to provide your 4-hour Certificate of Attendance.)

This bonus webinar is limited to participants who are 100% complete; is optional; and will not be recorded.

*You are not required to have completed the course by this date; you have lifetime access to work through or review the episodes.

About Teacher Tom

Tom "Teacher Tom" Hobson is an early childhood educator, international speaker, education consultant, teacher of teachers, parent educator, and author. He is best known, however, for his namesake blog Teacher Tom's Blog, where he has posted daily for over a decade, chronicling the life and times of his little preschool in the rain-soaked Pacific Northwest corner of the USA.

For nearly two decades, Teacher Tom was the sole employee of the Woodland Park Cooperative School, a parent-owned and operated school, knit together by Teacher Tom's democratic, progressive play-based pedagogy.

Today, Teacher Tom shares his play-based pedagogy through online courses for early childhood educators and parents; produces online early childhood conferences, e.g., Teacher Tom's Play Summit 2022; consults with organizations about his "Family Schools" program; and inspires early years audiences around the world (Greece, UK, Iceland, Australia, China, Vietnam, New Zealand, Canada, and across the US) both virtually and in-person with his engaging views on early childhood education, play, and pedagogy.

He has authored two bestselling books, aptly named Teacher Tom's First Book, and Teacher Tom's Second Book.

How This Course Works

  • Join a Limited Cohort

  • Every Thursday for 6 weeks receive access to that week's episode and reflection guide/workbook

  • Watch and reflect any time that's convenient for you (the episodes are pre recorded)

  • Post insights, reflections, and questions in our community area (Teacher Tom will visit & respond daily)

  • If you complete the course 100% with the cohort by October 20th, join the 90-minute live graduation webinar with Teacher Tom on October 24th

What Others Say About

The Technology of Speaking with Children

Dawn C.

"Teacher Tom has completely changed both how I teach and how I parent."

Isabella M.

"It's amazing how little changes in how we speak with children transform everything. I love Teacher Tom's insights on how to give children the space to do their own thinking."

Lavanda H.

"I wish every parent, not just teachers, had this information."

Register for The Technology of Speaking With Children

$129 USD / person


  • Lifetime Access

  • Six video modules (delivered every Thursday, starting September 7th, 2023)

  • Six Reflection Guides/Workbooks to record your own thoughts and insights

  • Online community to share questions, insights, and ideas

  • High quality coaching for self directed learning wherever and whenever it's convenient

  • Live Graduation webinar with Teacher Tom* (Must have completed course by October 20th, 2023)

  • BONUS: 1 VIP invitation to join our new Teacher Tom's Club as a founding member, with the first month of membership free (a USD $19 value; can cancel any time). More info in cohort. ❤

Group Discount Pricing

Groups of 10 users or morel receive a 20% discount off of the $129.00 per person.

Schools and ECE program directors, please contact [email protected] about larger groups (100 persons and higher) to discuss additional discounts and bespoke PD programs for your community.


  • Who is this course for?

    While it is specifically designed for early childhood educators, directors, and childcare owners, parents and grandparents of young children will also find it invaluable too.

  • What will the course cover?

    We will explore the notion of a child’s environment as a “teacher”; Teacher Tom’s four cornerstones of a creating Natural Habitats for Learning; what it means for a place to be a natural habitat for learning; the Theory of Loose Parts and how not to cheat children; the nuts and bolts of creating both outdoor and indoor learning environments; how the language we use can restrict or expand the effectiveness of a learning habitat; and how well-considered learning environments can greatly reduce, and even eliminate many of the frustrations and conflicts that arise between young children and the important adults in their lives.

  • What will I learn?

    Like with anything worth doing, you will get out of it what you put into it. This course is designed in the spirit of play-based learning in that I avoid direct instruction, “how to’s,” tick boxes, and lists of learning objectives. Instead, my approach is to assume that you are a motivated, intelligent, committed adult. I share my best thinking, tell stories, and ask probing questions intended to make you think about yourself, the families in your school life, and what you can do given your own unique situation. As a result you will feel both inspired and empowered to take action.

  • Do I need any special qualifications?

    Absolutely! This is a course for self-motivated enthusiastic educators who want their learning environment to become the most empowering "third teacher" in the lives of the children in their care. This is also a great course for self-motivated parents, grandparents, and caregivers who want to transform their home areas into natural learning habitats for the young children in their lives.

  • Will this course really offer you something better and different?

    I guarantee that you have never taken a course like this one. It will challenge you, it will probably even make you mad at times, but it will also cause you to think and grow. Most importantly, you will feel empowered and enabled to transform your place of learning into the very best "teaching partner."

  • When does the course start?

    This cohort kicks off on September 7th, 2023

  • How does it work?

    Starting Thursday, September 7th, and on every Thursday for the following six weeks, you’ll receive access to one module of the course along with a work book. You can watch that week’s module at any time that’s convenient for you, as long as you do so prior to the following week. We will all be working through the material together as a cohort, week-by-week. (If you can’t watch it that week that’s ok too, since you have lifetime access, but you’ll have more fun if you keep up with the cohort.)

  • How much time will I need to spend?

    At the start of each week, you’ll get about a half hour of video. You’ll watch it and then spend another 15 minutes or so each week filling out your reflection guide/workbook. In total, you’ll be investing about 45 minutes every week between September 7th and October 20th.

  • Do I have to attend at a particular time?

    No. :-) You can watch the sessions and work through the reflection guide any time that is convenient for you; after that you can share your insights and ideas at any time in our online community area and Teacher Tom will comment and “cheer you on.”

  • How long will I have access to the content?

    You will have lifetime access and can go back to it as often as you like.

  • Where does the course community connect?

    Our virtual meet-up place is the dedicated course community associated with our course on, where we will share insights, ask questions, and celebrate successes.

  • What about the live graduation webinar?

    If you've kept up with the cohort and have completed the course 100% by midnight on October 20th, you will be invited to attend a live Zoom graduation webinar on October 24th at 8:00am PST. Save the date.

  • Will we be tracking your progress?

    You bet! Not only is this necessary for issuing your proof of completion certificate, but it is part of keeping us all accountable.

  • Will I get personal feedback from Teacher Tom?

    Yes! I will do my best to respond to all comments in our online course community in Thinkific, so please participate! You'll get more out of it, and you'll have more fun.

  • Can I get professional development credits?

    Yes! After you complete the course, you will automatically receive a 5-Hour Certificate of Attendance signed by me, Teacher Tom

  • What does the course cost?

    The cost is USD $129. But the great news is, you also get a bonus just for taking the course! You will be among the very first members I welcome into my brand new Teacher Tom's Club, and I'm gifting you the first month (worth USD $19) for free. I will send you a lot more info about the club during the course. I can't wait!